Reset Your thoughts on Food


The magic diet

Actually. I hate the word diet. I don’t believe in diets because diets can be restrictive in so many ways.

How to reset your thoughts on food | Jodi Ashford Coaching.jpg

The problem with “dieting”

For starters. Most diets tell you that you have to completely cut specific foods out. For example: one diet fad might say fats have to go, while another says it’s all about the fats. Then of course there’s the diets out there that says ‘carbs are the devil’ so stop eating carbs right away to lose weight. I mean, maybe you’ll lose some weight, but let’s face it. You can’t go for the rest of your life living like this, so the minute you go back to eating carbs all the weight you lost will immediately come back and then some. 

Any time you chose to go with a diet that tells you to eliminate something completely, it leaves you feeling deprived, and immediately your brain says “I want more food”, then the cravings go through the roof (because we always want what we can’t have), we then give our body what our brain tells it we want, thus destroying the so called “diet.” It really is a very vicious cycle. 

Then, to top it off there’s the whole shame and guilt trip game that has to be played for at least 3 days after the initial sabotage. And, in order for you to pump yourself back up and get back into the mindset of cutting out all the foods you’re told you cannot have so you can finally lose the weight, you’ll spend a couple more days on Insta trying to seek inspiration from other girls who you claim are more “disciplined” than yourself. 

Boom… Does that sound about right?

Losing weight does not have to be that hard. I mean, it’s already hard enough for women as it is, but you should NEVER have to feel deprived of food when you're trying to shed off a few pounds. I know that sounds a little oximoronish, but it’s totally true. 

Yes, calories probably need to be cut down and the sugar intake could use a rest, but if you have a good meal plan in place you will never feel deprived of food. If anything you will feel satisfied, full and you won’t be counting the hours down before you get to your next meal. 

Food is fun. Food is delicious. And, if you think about it, the options are endless. It’s not about the long list you should cut out, but how you can replace the less nutritious foods with other (equally, if not more) delicious, nutrient packed food. 

And, more importantly, choosing a good meal plan promotes a lifestyle change. Yes! Imagine being able to finally change some rotten habits and design a life of good ones. 

No more of the quick fix diets. Instead of searching for the latest fad diet on Pinterest you’ll be searching for the next “whole food” recipe to try out. You can just skip right past the noise and get straight to the point.  

Today, I have just a few pointers on how to make simple changes to the way you eat. These are just some baby steps that will help you get thinking a little different when it comes to food. 

Organic is cool

One of the most important things to do when you are trying to get in shape is to take caution of how you eat. It doesn’t take any more time away from your schedule, and you will feel much healthier when you eat the right foods in the right quantity.

One of the best ways to change the way you eat to go organic. I know, I know. Why did I have to bring in the organic card? 

I used to be that person who would roll my eyes anytime someone said the “O” word. 

But then I got educated and my way of thinking changed. 

And, here’s why …. 

When eating organic you are choosing a better option for yourself in so many ways. 

  • You’re eating food that has not been sprayed with toxic chemicals that can lead to a whole other myriad of health issues. 

  • It usually tastes much better. 

  • Because it’s organic you are actually consuming higher and more quality nutrients than that of regular food (especially your produce), therefore you feel much fuller faster and for a longer period of time. 

I did put this to the test during a 21 day detox. I was fully committed to go organic with my fruits and veggies that week and I was blown away by the difference. 

Now, while I try to stick with mostly organic, I’m not always perfect. However,  I 100% stick to the dirty dozen list for the reasons mentioned above. 

Haven’t heard of the dirty dozen? Here’s the list here. (PDF of Dirty dozen) 

Knowing the dirty dozen will help you know specifically what produce you absolutely want to buy organically. 

Fiber and all its glory

Another piece of advice I’d like to offer is to increase your daily intake of fiber. 

Increasing fiber daily is a great way to clean out your system of all negative weight loss inhibitors. 

So, Instead of eating refined or processed foods, it’s a good idea to eat whole grain foods like brown rice and whole wheat bread. This has more fiber and less bad fats such as trans fat and cholesterol.

Other easy food options that naturally have a good amount of fiber are:

  • Strawberries 

  • Raspberries

  • Apples (with skin)

  • Oatmeal

  • Nuts

  • Beans and lentils

  • Broccoli

  • Carrots

One of my absolute favorite ways to get good fiber in me first thing in the morning is to have a flax seed cocktail. Flaxseed is super high in antioxidants and is a go to for many people who are trying to lose a few pounds. 

What’s a flaxseed cocktail? 

Here’s what you do. 

First you want to make sure you use ground flaxseed. You will add 1 TBSP to 8oz of water. I prefer my water to be cold with this. Then, drink quickly and stir often or the flaxseed will coagulate. Follow up with another glass of water to move those fibers through your body. 

I promise, it’s not near as bad as it sounds. In fact, it’s really not bad at all, and the benefits are amazing. 

So give it a try and see for yourself. 

Protein, Protein, Protein

 Really, it’s not just about protein. It’s a good balance of proteins, fats, and carbs (these are also known as macros). Yes, even fats and carbs are important, so ditch whatever negativity you have about them and let them be your friend. If they’re not your friend already, it’s probably because in the past you haven’t had a good relationship with them, in that you probably blame the reasons you can’t lose weight … or the reasons you might have gained weight to begin with. 

But here’s the reality. If you’re consuming the RIGHT kinds of protein, the RIGHT kinds of fat, and the RIGHT kinds of carbs, they will work in your favor and you will finally get to drop a pant size or two. 

Why do we need these important macros?

Protein: You need protein to help build and repair tissue. Enzymes are made up of proteins that are essential for optimal digestion, protection and immunity. 

Fats: are CRUCIAL for survival. They maintain and protect our cellular membranes, they absorb fat soluble vitamins, and are the raw material for creating Vitamin D and other hormones.  

Carbs: provide quick energy for the body because they can be broken down more easily then the other macros. 

Simply put, these 3 are a must for your body to create the energy and support it needs to live a healthy lifestyle. They work together as a team. 

At the end of the day, when it comes to eating, it’s really all about making smart choices. 

  • Eat grilled chicken and fish instead of red meat. You’ll eat less calories and still get the protein you need. 

  • Eat avocados and use olive oil or coconut oil to cook with instead of vegetable oil and butter. 

  • Eat whole grains and brown rice instead of white bread and white rice. 

  • Eat fruits and vegetables or nuts as a snack instead of candy or potato chips. 

  • Drink WATER instead of soda or other sugar filled beverages.  

Making better choices in your meals will make a HUGE difference in your energy, stamina and even your weight. 

Keeping fit does not just depend on exercises. Your daily food intake plays the most important part in improving your health. You can work out all day long, but if you haven’t figured out how to eat a balanced plate for every meal, then you might find yourself falling short of your health goals. 

Just remember, 70% of your health journey is food. Exercise only makes up the other 30%

What you put in your mouth is KEY!

You will feel healthier and have more energy when you make these small changes. You will have more energy and feel like an entirely new, better person.

 Remember that looking after your health and staying fit is an investment in yourself and something you should not neglect or you will find that you will regret poor health habits later. Eating right is one part of staying fit that does not take any time and you will reap the benefits throughout your life once you’ve made the choice to change your habits. 

With these few pointers you can make huge strides towards staying fit and healthy and being able to do the things you want to do.


Healthy Beauty From the Inside Out